Table of Contents

It's important to note that ACE considers some units to be medics and others to be normal. Some tasks can only be performed by medics whilst others, like bandaging, can be performed by anyone but medics perform those tasks faster.

When a player is injured they can be patched up either by themselves or a friendly fellow player. A player will know if they're injured by noticing the edges of the screen flashing red. Injuries can be sustained to one of six areas on the player's virtual body:

Injuries to the head are very severe and are likely to result in rapid blood loss, followed equally rapidly by unconsciousness and then death. Torso injuries are next most critical followed by all the extremities being relatively less worrying. Not that not all wounds are made equal and it's possible to have a serious leg injury that kills you faster than a minor head wound. Becoming injured results in pain that is represented to the player by the edges of the screen flashing white in an irritating fashion. Pain can be reduced with the use of morphine injections but more than two in a short time can result in an overdose.

The Basic Medical System And You

1Tac uses the so called “Basic” medical system that ACE offers. In this system, each area of the body can be in one of three states:

Applying a bandage reduced an injury level to the next, lower severity. Thus it takes one bandage to heal a minor injury and two to heal a serious injury. Until it is healed an injured body part causes your virtual blood level to drop until you fall unconscious and then, some time later, die. Large amount of damage at once can instantly cause immediate unconsciousness.

Unconscious soldiers can be woken up by a medic (and only a medic) injecting them with Epinephrine.

Being injured also causes pain. High amounts of pain cause an irritating flashing around the sides of the screen. Extreme pain can cause a player to fall unconscious.

First Aid

All first aid is administered through the interaction menu. If you're performing first aid on yourself you'll find all your body parts listed under the Medical sub-menu in your self interaction menu. When looking at your own body parts you're automatically aware of the injury state of each part. If you're performing first-aid on another player then you need to interact with the icon attached to the specific body part. It's recommended that you ask the player you're working on to hold still to make this easier. When treating another player you won't know the injury state of their body parts until you perform a diagnosis (available as an action under the head part). You can also simply ask them where they're injured and skip the diagnosis as players are often aware of what's injured well before you get to them.


Choosing the diagnose action under the head body part will tell if the player is injured, in pain and how much blood they've lost. It will also show you the injury state of other body parts (white, yellow or red).

Treating Bleeding

Simply find the interaction icon for the body part and select the bandage option under the injured part. Repeat until the part is white. Try to get all body parts to yellow before getting them to white to minimise blood loss.

Treating Pain

Inject morphine into one of the limbs. Morphine cannot be injected into the torso or head. More than too morphine injections too close together can cause a lethal overdose.

Treating Unconsciousness

Only medics can treat this. Inject Epinephrine into the limbs. You cant overdose on this but “Epi” is valuable so don't waste it.

Treating Blood Loss

Only medics can treat this. If a player has lost a lot of blood they can still pass in and out of conciousness after their wounds stop bleeding. Obviously this is inconvenient for everyone. You can fix this by injecting them with a blood pack.


You can drag an unconscious player out of danger by going to their body and using the interaction menu to pick “Drag” from under their “Interactions” icon (usually located around the hips).

In Game Briefing Code

You can insert an edited version of this briefing into your mission for players to reference by running the following code on your players:

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Basic Medical Guide", "

<font size=25>Basic Medical Guide</font><br/>
When a player is injured they can be patched up either by themselves or a friendly fellow player. A player will know if they're injured by noticing the edges of the screen flashing red.<br/>
Each area of the body can be in one of three states:<br/>
* Uninjured (body part icon is white)<br/>
* <font color=""#FFFF00"">Minor Injury (body part icon is yellow)</font><br/>
* <font color=""#FF0000"">Major Injury (body part icon is red)</font><br/>
Applying a bandage reduced an injury level to the next, lower severity. Thus it takes one bandage to heal a minor injury and two to heal a serious injury.<br/>
Unconscious soldiers can be woken up by using a morphine auto-injector on them.<br/>
Being injured also causes pain. High amounts of pain cause an irritating flashing around the sides of the screen. Extreme pain can cause a player to fall unconscious.<br/>
<font size=25>First Aid</font><br/>
If you're performing first aid on yourself you'll find all your body parts listed under the Medical sub-menu in your self interaction menu.<br/>
If you're performing first-aid on another player then you need to interact with the icon attached to the specific body part.<br/>
<font size=20>Diagnosing</font><br/>
Choosing the diagnose action under the head body part will tell if the player is injured, in pain and how much blood they've lost. It will also show you the injury state of other body parts (white, yellow or red).<br/>
<font size=20>Treating Bleeding</font><br/>
Simply find the interaction icon for the body part and select the bandage option under the injured part. Repeat until the part is white. Try to get all body parts to yellow before getting them to white to minimise blood loss.<br/>
<font size=20>Treating Pain</font><br/>
Inject morphine into one of the limbs. Morphine cannot be injected into the torso or head.<br/>
<font size=20>Treating Unconsciousness</font><br/>
Inject Morphine into the limbs.<br/>
<font size=20>Treating Blood Loss</font><br/>
Only medics can treat this. If a player has lost a lot of blood they can still pass in and out of conciousness after their wounds stop bleeding. Obviously this is inconvenient for everyone. You can fix this by injecting them with a blood pack.<br/>
<font size=25>Dragging</font><br/>
You can drag an unconscious player out of danger by going to their body and using the interaction menu to pick “Drag” from under their “Interactions” icon (usually located around the hips).<br/>
